Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In the streets of Jaisalmer

There are lots of children in the streets who do not go to school... but do want to get a pen.

I usually have a package of postcards from at home... I show them and sometimes I give one

Even in the morning, the sun can be very hot in the middle of the desert

People sit in front of their houses, do little jobs, talk or just observe people and animals passing by
For them, this is not a hot but a mild and pleasant spring day

The holy cows are everywhere in the streets, but also dogs, camels,chicken, goats, rats...
In particular the dogs can be a real nuisance. What seems to be sleepy animal during daytime can become a ferrocious mouth full of teeth in the evening, barking and inviting his friends to snap at your feet. After a short while you learn that walking in sandals is not a good option in the evening.... they are not useful to kick the dog closest to you. And without a good kick he will not leave

In contrast to other Radjastan cities, the houses in Jaisalmer are rarely blue. They are built from sandstone blocks
Unfortunately the sandstone is very brittle and erodes away quickly. This makes the Jaisalmer fort one of the most endangered Unesco monuments. The insufficient sewage system in combination with the much increased water use due to tourism causes erosion of the monuments

A lot of the the doors are colourful and beautifully carved

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