Saturday, June 19, 2010

The gates to Radjastan

You could fill a book with pictures of doors and gates in India. Not only that they are colourful and beautifully carved, they also offer a view into the mysterious interior of the houses... and their inhabitants
"I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed.
I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible, But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.
I refuse to live in other people's houses as an interloper, a beggar or a slave." (Gandhi)
Most of the blue houses of Jodhpur have green doors

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Into the desert... on a camel

We are waiting... suddenly you see movements between the thorny scrubs and there they come... our camels. Out of nowhere
The saddles are not really comfortable, there are no stirrups.

but at least this seems to be a funny good natured animal with a friendly, almost smiley face
and there we go....

Sand dunes

Spines and thorns

Start small, if you want to be big...
then follow where the wind blows you to
develop spines to keep your hungry enemies off
shed off your leaves if it is too hot
or hide them between thorns
grow if there is a bit of hidden water

and if you want to know why this tree is so flat on the underside, you have to continue reading...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Desert cooking

Out of nothing and with only one pot this man is able to prepare a beautiful lunch and dinner
including making (slightly sandy) dough for chapatis and baking them
and in the middle of night an unlighted camel turned up with a load of beer
to help to sleep well because it's really cold at night

Survival of the fittest....

The Thar desert is not empty. There are lots of villages and lots of animals.

It is a mystery how they are able to survive...
For camels it is not so difficult to find food. However, animals and owners destroy the plants for example by cutting away branches or dragging them down by ropes

goats seem to eat anything
For donkeys it is probably not a happy place
This one apparently did not survive...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Help, my camel's being raped!!!

while it's little baby is watching
we were disagreeing who actually had pleasure....
.. with this peep show arranged for the tourists

Living in the desert... a village

Suddenly you see a couple of people in the middle of nowhere. What are they doing, why, how can they survive?
This seems to be a bare desert, but it is full of villages and it seems that during the Monsoon season a lot of this are irrigated fields producing crops and there are even rivers
Taking account of the number of people, it is surprising that there are trees or scrubs left, which were not yet used for fire-wood or cattle fodder
There seemed to be a strange atmosphere in this village. Our guides did not really like us to wander around and seemed to be quite uneasy even so we were brought into a house to have tea
Some of the traditional houses are beautifully painted. The houses are built from mud.
These little sheds outside the courtyards seems to be used for dried cow dung used as fuel

 The entrance to the courtyard is blocked... probably to prevent cattle of getting in and eat everything in reach

One of the inhabitants

Ellen, Duncan and a communicative member of the village community
We had tea in this rather modern looking house. We preferred to rather not touch the food being offered.

The kitchen in a separate corner of the court yard
The tea corner. The heavy iron screen is used to protect food.
Ellen gets her nails painted
and Duncan had a paint job too....